
Chaplain’s Corner

Be safe my friends!

blue line tear

A Note From Your Chaplain

I hope you all had a good week. I had one of those days yesterday in which everything seem to go wrong and then I got this in an email reminding me that I am not alone on the bad days.

May God bless you and keep you safe.



by Max Lucado

Worrying is one job you can’t farm out, but you can overcome it. There’s no better place to begin than inPsalm 23:2

“He leads me beside the still waters,” David declares. “He leads me.” God isn’t behind me, yelling, “Go!”  He’s ahead of me bidding, “Come!” He’s in front, clearing the path, cutting the brush. Standing next to the rocks, He warns, “Watch your step there.”

Isn’t this what God gave the children of Israel? He promised to supply them with manna each day. But He told them to collect only one day’s supply at a time.Matthew 6:34 says, “Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.”

God is leading you! Leave tomorrow’s problems until tomorrow!

Howdy Brothers and SistersOne of the great privileges of being a Chaplain forTLETOA is that I have gotten to prepare the MemorialPresentation for the fall conference.I watch social media, read newspapers on line from acrossthe state and most importantly, I hear from you.If you know of any officer, active or retired, that has goneto be with the Lord since last conference or someone wemissed last year, please send me an email with information.Name , age, department, rank, end of watch date, any otherinformation that you feel is important and a digital photo ifavailable. Thank you for helping honor those who have served.The Independence Day holiday is next week as we celebratethe beginnings of our great country. Thank all of you for helping to protect our liberty. I pray for safety for you and all officersdaily.I hope you have a joyful and safe holiday<><Lynn

Word from your chaplain

Matt. 11:28 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

As I look back over the past few years I see that Law Enforcement has changed in so many ways. Agencies seem to change, if your agency is like mine we are having a hard time finding those candidates that can meet the minimum requirements set out just to try and get a quality employee. As those struggles exist a lot of times we are ask to do more and more with less. In the context of the scripture here labor in this is what work load that we put on ourselves, and the heavy laden is what other put on us. We all have burdens some are small and some are so heavy that force us to our knees. We often lose sight in those time when the struggle or balance is so off and while we are on our knees we just try to push on. When while we are on our knees we should pray, but in saying that, that is most of our problems we do nothing on the front end and wait until we are pushed to our knees from an outside source. In a day and age where Officers Suicide reaches a higher number than the number officers killed in the line of duty, I read this verse and have hope. With that said it may sound as though I am teetering on the edge but that is not the case. I am here to tell you all that you are not alone in the struggle of life it is the decisions that you make and where you turn to that will impact your life the most. You can’t find rest in the bottle, on the lake, on the range, on the golf course, or in some other man created thing. The only place you will find true rest is in the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Once you are able to get REST, it is amazing how much stronger you will feel, and those burdens seem to get lighter and lighter. When we hit rock bottom in life that is the strongest place to start building that foundation on JESUS, careful not to mix the mortar with too much worldly sand.

TLETOA Mid Tn Chaplain

David Spivey